Management Audit

We assess and evaluate every member of a leadership team against strategic business objectives.

We review leadership skills and management competence within an organisation for Chairs, CEOs, owners and potential buyers.
We reveal where relationships and responsibilities can be realigned to better effect.

We effect any desired changes with our Transformation & Change, Coaching & Mentoring, FNA, and Executive Search.
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We know how to help our clients achieve diverse leadership teams.
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We have won awards for what we do, and how we do it.
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We always work closely with our clients, and relationships matter to us.


We work on confidential assignments. You can entrust us with sensitive projects.

We assess potential.

We know that your company relies on its leadership. Without the right leadership it cannot compete, innovate, or adapt, and the cost of failure is always high.

We identify improvement opportunities across the leadership of your organisation.

We consider the performance of your management group as a whole, not just as distinct and separate individuals. We enable chief executives, owners (and potential buyers) to gain powerful insights into, and understanding of, the functioning and efficacy of a leadership team.

We review and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of directors, executives and other key people as management team members, together with their collective leadership impact when measured against the company’s strategy and its business objectives.

We conduct employee surveys and undertake sample interviews to better understand your culture and environment to inform our feedback and advice on how best to improve intracompany communications.

We make detailed recommendations as to how to improve the effectiveness of your business leadership. Often, we are then retained to introduce and effect the necessary changes.

Let’s understand your team

Heading in the right direction? If not, then we can identify the reasons with objective measures and analysis – we are the experts, talk to us.
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