We were approached by the Managing Director of the advisory practice of this large and well-known firm.
He invited us to design and deliver thorough assessments of both his existing and prospective leaders. Capability reviews had often been used internally to inform decisions on recruitment, development and promotion, but the MD wanted an independent, consistent and expert assessment of leadership competence and potential.
We were initially engaged to assess members of the advisory practice leadership team, but went on to assess over 100 senior managers across both the advisory practice and the business support services division.
Assessments lasted a full day for each participant, and examined each individual against a carefully defined set of leadership skills, behaviours and values. We observed and reported working practices and leadership styles using:
• Interviews
• Role Plays
• Situational Judgement Scenarios
• Critical Thinking Appraisals
• Cognitive Ability Tests
• Financial Analysis Case Studies
• In-Tray Exercises
• Presentations
• Q&A Sessions