Leadership Development

1 February 2022

All leadership deserves development

Having strong and quality leadership has proved to be a major asset in recent turbulent times. It is not a secret that companies who invest in leadership development perform better than those that do not and they are much more adaptable in periods of crisis.

Quality leadership is a combination of skills, traits, attitudes, and mindset - things not typically innate and therefore necessitating fine tuning.

One of the indicators of how valuable quality leadership is to an organization is the time the company invests in training and development for their leaders. The observations on the local market show that those companies who do invest usually dedicate between 12 and 30 minutes per month - in medium-sized businesses, and about 5 hours per month in larger organizations. The approaches vary from short online chunk sessions, through specialized development programs and individual coaching. The predominant focus is on first-line managers and aspiring leaders and much less on top executives.

Typically, outcomes are based on improved relationship between manager and direct reports. Much research though, indicates that more beneficial impact is on organizational outcomes. That’s why all leadership deserves to be developed. Every level of management in the organization needs to build, master, and nurture the relevant leadership skills in order to be prepared, resilient and alert.

A wide-ranging leadership and management development program includes offerings for all levels of leaders: new, middle, and senior.

Although focusing leadership development is always a good idea, there are some typical situations and stages in the life cycle of the company in which it becomes a must:

  • The company is growing, and more and more experts have been promoted to leadership.
  • Serious changes are ahead, and motivation and energy are needed to make them happen.
  • The company is stuck and needs a new vision, strategy, and fresh ideas.
  • A significant part of the leadership is new to the company and integration is needed.
  • Leadership is important for the company and is recognized as competitive advantage to position itself on employers’ market.

When a company cares about their leadership, it actually provides the opportunity for leaders to invest their time and energy back into the organization.


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