Be the sunlight for your team

4 December 2023

The last month of the year has begun. In December, we often evaluate the past twelve months and look to the coming year.

For many, the year 2023 has been a time of uncertainty and financial turmoil and it's understandable if you feel gloomy or worried about the future. So how can you still continue to build trust in teams and workplaces for the future when the December blues take over?

We residents of the North are currently living through the darkest time of the year. Surviving the winter darkness, particularly during the polar night, can be challenging, but we Finns have developed various strategies to cope with it.

Here are some tips that might help you to survive the December blues - like a Finn:

Search Light:

Here, where the sun is non-existent during the winter months, we use light therapy lamps which mimic natural sunlight.  

Be the sunlight for your team. Look for positive things, don't wallow in negativity. Remember the year's successes and achievements, focus on what we can do.

Stay Active:

Regular exercise can boost your mood and energy levels. At work, this means not letting hard times get us down. Let's stay active and not become passive, even if it requires more effort to do so. Closing that deal might need just that one call more - you can do it.

Socialize and Create a cozy atmosphere:

Combat feelings of isolation by maintaining social connections. Have that Christmas party, make the call to ask how you are - turn on your inner Christmas lights!

Employees may feel uncertain about the stability of the organizations and turbulent times can take a toll on employees' mental health and well-being. Try to create stability and comfort through open and continuous conversations, gatherings, and community spirit.

Maintain a Routine:

Establishing routines can help create a sense of normality. Continue to have the routines in place as before and create agilely new ones if needed. Staying consistent works in all conditions.

Protect against the Cold:

There is no bad weather, just bad clothing. Make sure your team has the right “thermal clothing” to face even the difficult times. Discuss openly what is needed to succeed in the current situation. Offer ways to strengthen resilience, for example through coaching. By investing in these abilities, you have equipped them with the means to survive.

Let’s head on to December with the wise words of the former President of Finland, Mauno Koivisto: “Unless we know for sure how it will turn out, let's assume that everything will turn out well.


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