An alternative to Reality is the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is a virtual world, one to which we will connect using a range of devices to make us think that we are really inside it - interacting with all its elements. It will be like actually teleporting to a whole new world through virtual reality glasses and other accessories.

Virtual worlds are nothing new, they have existed for a long time.

We have experienced them for decades in the videogames' industry, where by creating a character you can live adventures through your computer. However, the metaverse is not looking to be just a fantasy world, but perhaps now a kind of an alternative reality in which we can do the same things we do everyday, but without leaving our room.

Facebook and other companies are betting on the creation of a parallel, but completely virtual, universe, accessed via virtual and augmented reality devices, so we can interact with each other 'realistically'.

The key to this metaverse is that we can be fully immersive in it  - or at least much more than the current and rather basic virtual reality that exists today. We might initially need to use glasses similar to those currently available, but additionally we will use sensors to capture our physical movements enabling our 'avatar' to have a fully immersive experience.

Devices to enable interpretation of facial expressions will mean that our avatar in the metaverse can recreate us, and other people with whom we are interacting can understand how we feel. Body language will be imperative for these virtual interactions to feel 'real'.

At Friisberg & Partners we are excited about these concepts and their future applications.

We will continue to analyse how can we can utilise new technologies in our everyday professional lives - might we soon be able to evaluate candidate competencies through their behaviour in the metaverse?

Javier Uruburu
Partner, Spain

We spoke with Gadea Zumarraga to ask about her holiday plans…

In Spain, we have some interesting holiday traditions! For example, it is customary to wear red underwear on New Year's Eve to ensure you will be lucky the following year. Also, eating one grape every second in the last 12 seconds of the year, and wishing everybody around you a happy new year while you involuntarily spit some pieces, means you will have a good year!

What’s your favourite holiday tradition?

On the 24th of December, after dinner with the family we all open presents that the Infant Jesus brings. I still believe, as I did as a child, only for that day!

How do you usually spend the holidays?  

We love spending our Christmas with our family and friends, so eating, drinking and talking takes up most part of our holidays mainly from the 24th until the 1st of January. We celebrate 24th December at dinner, 25th at  lunch, the 31st at dinner and we party until late into the night. On the 1st of January we have a big lunch, and then finally the on the day of the Three Kings day  we have breakfast with our closest family and lunch with the rest. So we end up putting on an average extyra weight of over 3 or 4 kilos each holiday season!

Also, people love mountains and sports, mainly skiing, and we have nearly 40 ski resorts in our country. Many people spend the first week of January skiing in Spain or France on the beautiful Alps!

Looking back on 2021, was it a good year? 

2021 was exciting but exhausting. We have had a booming year regarding business - our clients have been really active after a “paralyzed” 2020

We have worked in so many different industries, which means that the economy is growing and there are many opportunities in Retail, Pharma, Real Estate, Financial Services, Industry, Professional Services, Entertainment…I could go on!

What are you most looking forward to in 2022?  

Consolidating new businesses including our HR consulting and AI tools to help our clients make the best decisions for all people related matters.

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