Integration in a selection process:

It represents a practical assignment where differences in experience and personality emerge clearly. The case also provides an objectivised basis for comparing and ranking candidate presentations.

We see, even with experienced executives, that proposed solutions vary sharply in terms of the ability to shed light on the specific case, to prioritise core issues, and to apply their own experience and expertise.

In their initial meeting with the client, the candidates learn about the business, its strategies and the people involved.

The client learns about each candidate’s experience, motivation and ambitions. In this round, three-four candidates normally stand out with a relevant background, good motivation for changing jobs, personal ambitions and potential cultural fit.

In the next round, we want to develop the dialogue further. We will become better informed about how candidates approach relevant company issues. Together with the client, we therefore develop a case which gives all the candidates the same starting point for the next meeting.

The following parameters apply:

The case will reflect commercial issues at the client and is formulated in a sufficiently open way that the candidates can be invited to make their own assumptions, delineate and prioritise

Candidates receive the case two days before the meeting in order to see how they apply their knowledge and experience rather than how much time they are able to devote to preparations

Candidates are free to choose the form of their presentation

The candidate will use 20 minutes to present their solution, followed by 40 minutes of questions, elaboration and discussion.

Benedikte Stiff / Hild Kinder
Partners Oslo

Hild Kinder, Partner in our Oslo office, chairs the Stockman Committee for The Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts.

Their purpose is:

The committee’s job is to set the criteria by which the companies are measured, while Investment Banks and Investors nominate candidates and vote for finalists.

Every year they give out prizes to companies listed on the Oslo stock exchange that stand out as exceptional in communicating financial information to the market of financial analysts and investors.

Congratulations to Storebrand and Kid Interiør as winners of this year's Stockman Prize.

Storebrand won the open class award, while KID won the award for small and medium-sized companies. Storebrand also won the award for best IR team.

Furthermore, the Committee  also provides improvement advice for a company that should do better - this year it was the renewable energy company Scatec.

Hild said, "This year ESG* was increased in weight as a factor in the voting, while to provide open, reliable and consistent information to all market participants is always critical. We congratulate Storebrand and KID for nailing this.”

* ESG=Environmental Social  and Governance

The big 'WHY?'

Why do you want to change your job?

Many candidates primarily consider what they know against the job description. Having the right expertise is an important requirement, but it is not enough. In addition, we must look more closely at what might motivate a candidate. Many of the requirements specified for a candidate can be nuanced in order to provide room for a new employee to grow into a role.

As advisers, we do not force a job opportunity onto candidates. We ask open questions and listen carefully when discussing a possible job change. We listen for answers about why the candidate wants this job. What are their ambitions? Is the candidate driven by 'push' or 'pull' factors?

The right motivation is an important requirement for thriving and making a difference. If you have anything to gain from a change of job, it is easier if you have a commitment, make an extra effort and contribute to good internal collaboration.

Pay is seldom a sufficient motivational factor by itself.

Cultural match is both crucial and under-appreciated.

What can you do yourself?

Enterprises have different purposes and ownership. Organisations vary in culture, size and structure. Some companies have a totally commercial DNA, while other workplaces are more balanced, driven by new insight, or contribute directly to social progress. Being conscious of your own motivation and taking ownership of the process are important success factors when changing jobs. Awareness of 'what triggers and what drives me', combined with an ability to explain why exactly this role could be right for you, will be important. By obtaining information about relevant employers, the candidate also takes personal responsibility for testing their match with a new workplace. This is particularly critical if you have been with the same employer for a long time, because it can then be difficult to assess what you take for granted in today’s job – and which could be lost.

Choose an adviser who understands the significance of motivation.

Where an enterprise is concerned, the value of making the right appointments is considerable. And the choice of employer will be crucial for an employee’s career development. That makes it vital to have good advisers who both understand and can provide input to both sides. Our job is to search out environments and candidates who possess a good baseline for both wanting and contributing to a new role. The ability to think openly around motivation together with relevant candidates is an absolutely central part of the adviser role, and crucial in ensuring that the right choice is made – for both clients and candidates.

Hild Kinder, Partner
Benedikte Stiff, Partner

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